All Library Databases A-Z
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – XYZ
Academic Search Complete (one of the world’s largest databases of academic journals and magazines on all subjects)
African-American History – a multimedia database made up of articles from reference works and newswires, as well as primary sources, images, and videos.
Agricola (citations to articles, but NOT full-text articles, from agriculture-related documents)
Alt HealthWatch (journals and pamphlets focusing on holistic and integrated approaches to health care)
Applied Science & Technology Full Text indexes and provides abstracts for over 800 journals in a wide range of applied science specialties, including computer science, information science, and engineering; provides the complete text of over 200 of these journals.)
Art Full Text (hundreds of journals, many of them including complete articles, covering art history, interior design, photography, and film)
Biography Index Past and Present (information about notable people primarily from magazine articles; generally provides only citations, but occasionally includes full-text articles)
Biography Reference Bank (information about notable people from periodical articles and biographical dictionaries)
Biological & Agricultural Index Plus (almost 400 journals, over 100 of them including full-text articles, covering all aspects of biology and agriculture)
BioOne Complete (full-text articles from over 200 biology journals)
Bloom’s Literature (information on literature primarily from high school textbooks and academic books)
Book Review Digest Plus (full-text reviews as well as citations to book reviews appearing in magazines)
Britannica Academic (a general encyclopedia aimed at college students)
Britannica Escolar (Spanish-language encyclopedia for children)
Britannica Fundamentals (encyclopedia for pre-K – 2nd grade)
Britannica ImageQuestJr.(more than 50k images and videos for elementary and middle school students/teachers)
Britannica Library (a general encyclopedia intended for public library users)
Britannica Moderna (Spanish-language general encyclopedia for secondary students)
Britannica School (encyclopedia for elementary, middle, and high schools)
Business Abstracts with Full Text (full-text articles from over 500 business-related magazines and academic journals)
Business Source Premier (one of the largest and best-known databases for research in all aspects of business; includes full-text articles from more than 2k academic journals and magazines in this field)
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers (a searchable database of digitized American newspapers from 1789-1963; produced by Library of Congress)
Company Profiles (over 10,000 MarketLine profiles of the world’s most important companies)
Computer Source (450 periodicals, over 300 of which provide full-text articles, dealing with computer science)
Consumer Health Complete (aimed at consumers rather than academic researchers, this database provides health-related information primarily from popular health magazines)
Consumer Reports (an electronic version of this well-known magazine; provides full text coverage and images as well from 1991 to the present)
Country Studies (e-versions of 80 Library of Congress-produced books providing overviews of select countries, e.g. India: A Country Study)
Credo Reference (articles from almost 900 reference works, such as subject-specific encyclopedias)
CultureGrams (Country and state reports that provide snapshots of history and cultures, including maps, flags, geography, and photos)
Current Biography Illustrated (focuses on information about celebrities)
Digital Theatre+ – an ever-growing collection of theatrical productions, e-learning resources, written study guides and lesson plans.
Directory of Open Access Journals (free journal articles; strongest in the sciences)
Dissertations and Theses Global – See ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Ebook Central (ProQuest) (over 200k academic books)
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost) (over 130k academic books)
EBSCOhost Platform (all EBSCO databases that Converse subscribes to)
EDGAR: SEC Company Filings (financial information about public U.S. companies)
Education Full Text (indexes almost 800 journals in education and provides full-text articles from over 350 of these)
ERIC (probably the most comprehensive database in education; covers thousands of periodicals and other resources focusing on the field of education, but, compared to other education databases, does NOT provide a high percentage of full-text journal articles)
Essay and General Literature Index (citations to essays published in books)
European Views of the Americas, 1493-1750 (citations to European publications on the Americas; NO full text)
Explora for Elementary Schools (100-ish full-text magazines as well as several encyclopedias and dictionaries aimed at elementary school students)
Explora for Middle Schools (170+ full-text magazines as well as several encyclopedias and dictionaries appropriate for middle school students)
Explora for High Schools (nearly 500 full-text magazines as well as several encyclopedias and dictionaries appropriate for high school students)
Explora for Public Libraries (full-text popular magazines as well as a number of reference sources aimed at the general public)
Feature Films for Education (a collection of nearly 800 streaming films, dating from the beginnings of cinema to the present; includes blockbusters, literary adaptations, classics, award winners, foreign films, and science fiction titles; searchable by keyword and browsable by genre.)
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center (Exploration and career planning for high school, undergraduate, graduate, nursing, or vocational and tech school students. Includes career assessments, financial aid opportunities, resume assistance, internships and apprenticeship postings.)
Fuente Academica (academic journals from Latin America, Spain, and Portugal.)
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (a general encyclopedia)
Gale eBooks (a small set of reference resources on various subjects)
Gale Literature (a database covering mostly (but not exclusively) English-language literature and comprising all sorts of resources, including reference works, academic journals, book reviewing magazines, and even full-length monographs)
Gale in Context: Biography (information about notable people, both contemporary and historical, from a wide range of sources, such as biographical dictionaries, magazines, newspapers, and academic journals)
Gale in Context: Elementary (magazines and reference resources for K-5 students)
Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints – (periodical articles on controversial issues)
General Science Full Text (indexes almost 300 popular science magazines and scholarly scientific journals and provides full-text articles from around 100 of these titles)
Google Books (academic books on all subjects)
Google Scholar (books, articles, conference proceedings in all disciplines)
GreenFILE (information on the environment from academic, government, and general interest resources; most references include ONLY ABSTRACTS of the articles)
Group and Organization Management (an academic journal published by Sage; 1999 – )
Health Source: Consumer Edition (almost 80 full-text consumer health magazines)
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (over 500 full-text scholarly journals)
History Reference Center (a multimedia resource that includes reference sources, academic journals, primary historical documents, and videos)
Humanities Full Text (provides full-text articles from 300-ish core journals in history, religion, philosophy, literature, theatre, and film; provides citations to articles in another 400-ish journals)
Index to Legal Periodicals & Books Full Text (over 400 full-text legal periodicals)
Infoplease (an almanac)
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association
JSTOR (non-current academic journals in all subjects) (Arts and Sciences I, II, III, V, VII, VIII, and Music Collection)
Leadership Quarterly (an academic journal published by Elsevier; 2016 – )
Learn360 (multimedia resource for K-12 students; includes videos, images, audio files, articles, and activities; from off-campus, available through DISCUS, South Carolina’s virtual library on this page; members of the Converse community may use the Mickel Library’s Ask a Librarian service to request the DISCUS username and password.)
LearningExpress Library (guides to graduate school entrance exams such as the GRE, MCAT, LSAT)
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (indexes over 500 journals in this discipline, but does NOT provide full-text articles from them)
Library Literature and Information Science Index (indexes over 400 journals in the field, but provides ONLY citations to the articles)
Liebert Online (academic journals in the life sciences and medicine)
Literary Reference Center (an eclectic database comprising literary criticism, author biographies, plot summaries, and even complete classic works of literature)
MLA International Bibliography (citations to and, occasionally, full-text articles from academic journals, books, dissertations, etc. on literature and language)
MAS Ultra: School Edition (full-text articles from 500 popular high school-level magazines)
MasterFILE Premier (full-text articles from 1,700 non-academic periodicals)
MEDLINE with Full Text (full-text articles from nearly 1,500 medical journals)
Middle Search Plus (full-text articles from 140 popular magazines for middle school students)
Military & Government Collection (nearly 300 full-text periodicals dealing with all branches of the military and government)
Mometrix eLibrary (test preparation materials for over 1,800 different exams, including certification exams for teachers, nursing and medical professionals, counselors and social workers, as well as placement exams for graduate and professional schools; includes study guides, flash cards and practice questions)
Music & Performing Arts Collection (full-text of 300-ish American and international journals in these two fields; citations and abstracts for articles in hundreds of additional journals)
New York Times (a searchable/browsable version of the New York Times from 1851 through the current day; includes photos and other graphical elements. To create an account with your Converse email address, enter “Converse University” in the search box and follow the instructions.)
Newswires (current month’s articles from newswires such as AP and UPI)
Newspaper Source Plus (more than 800 full-text American and international newspapers)
NoveList K-8 Plus (recommends children’s and young adult novels based on user-selected criteria)
NoveList Plus (recommends novels based on user-selected criteria)
Open Textbook Library (1,500+ open-access college-level textbooks)
OpenDissertations (citations to dissertations/theses from the early 20th to the present; OCCASIONALLY provides a link to the COMPLETE DISSERTATION/THESIS)
Oxford English Dictionary (traces the historical development of English-language words)
Oxford Reference (over 300 reference resources, primarily subject-specific dictionaries in all subject areas, providing short-ish entries for the terms they cover)
PASCAL (items held by South Carolina’s college and university libraries; most print books/scores can be borrowed by Converse students)
PebbleGo (for K-3 students, this resource comprises articles, videos, activities, and eBooks dealing with animals, general science, and social studies.)
PebbleGo Next (for K-5 students, this resource explores the lives of history-makers and leaders in articles, videos, activities, timelines, and eBooks.)
PLOS (open access biological and medical journals)
Play Index (references to plays published in anthologies and collections)
Poetry for Students (analyses of the themes, images, and structures of well-known poems)
Points of View Reference Center (periodical articles on controversial issues)
PowerSearch (searches multiple Gale databases at once)
Primary Search (70+ magazines for elementary school students)
Professional Development Collection (full-text articles from over 500 journals in education)
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (2.5 MILLION FULL-TEXT DISSERTATIONS/THESES , as well as 5 million citations to dissertations/theses, from thousands of universities around the world)
PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES (indexes over 2k periodicals related to psychology and provides full-text articles for around 90 journals published by the American Psychological Association)
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection (full-text articles from almost 400 journals in the social sciences)
Psychotherapy Essential Collection from (a video library of 50 training sessions in psychotherapy and counseling. Searchable by therapeutic approach, therapeutic issue, therapist’s name, population group, or keyword.)
PubMed (more than 29 million citations to biomedical literature from Medline, etc., with occasional links to full-text articles
Readers’ Guide Full Text Mega (indexes over 450 popular magazines and provides full-text articles from 250 of these titles)
Regional Business News (made up mostly of full-text articles from 80-ish regional business publications)
Religion and Philosophy Collection (full-text articles from more than 300 journals in these two fields)
Review of Educational Research (an academic journal published by Sage; 1999 – )
Review of Research in Education (an academic journal published by Sage; 1999 – )
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
Science Reference Center (science encyclopedias, reference books, and periodicals) (scientific information generated by federal government agencies such as the EPA, the National Library of Medicine, and NASA)
SCIWAY (web sites providing information on South Carolina)
Short Stories for Students (analyses of the plots, themes, characters, and cultural/historical contributions of well-known short stories)
Short Story Index (references to short stories in anthologies and collections)
Small Business Source (many types of resources, including trade publications, of interest to the small business community)
Social Sciences Full Text (full-text articles and citations to articles in core journals in economics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc.)
StudySC (supports South Carolina-specific curriculum standards
Teacher Reference Center (abstracts, but not the full text, of articles from nearly 300 journals for teachers and school administrators)
Teen BookCloud (eBooks, read along chapter books, graphic novels, videos, and audio books)
TOPICsearch (various kinds of publications on all subjects)
TumbleBooks (a collection of ebooks for K-6 students)
TumbleMath (animated and narrated math picture books for K-6 students) (Real-Time Tutoring, 24/7 for English and Spanish speakers on a variety of subjects, including test prep assistance and parent coaching)
U The U.S. Government’s Official Web Portal
Vocational and Career Collection (over 300 trade and industry-related periodicals)
Women Writers Online (works by women authors from the 1500s through the 1800s)
Women’s Magazine Archive (six women’s interest magazines from the 19th through the 21st century)
World Almanac for Kids: Elementary (basic information on a multitude of topics; for students in grades 2-5)
World Almanac for Kids: Intermediate (basic information on a multitude of topics; for students in grades 6-9)
World FactBook (brief information on all countries)
WorldCat (world’s largest listing of books held by libraries)
Mickel Library
Supporting Converse scholars with access to quality information resources.
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